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Bodiam castle - HD Photos

Bodiam castle - HD Photos
 Bodiam castle - HD Photos
Bodiam castle at sunset, East Sussex, England. Sir Edward Dalyngrigge was the youngest son in his family, which meant that he was last in line to receive any sort of estate inheritances. However, he married into a family that owned land and, by 1378, owned the manor of Bodiam. During his knighthood, which lasted from 1379 to 1388, he was well-respected and acclaimed throughout all of England. He earned enough money to build Bodiam Castle when he fought as a member of the Free Companies.

 Bodiam castle - HD Photos

Bodiam castle - HD Photos
In 1383, it was ruled that there could be a weekly market and annual fair held at the stately Bodiam Manor. Just two years later, the entire population of England was sent into a state of panic when a fleet of approximately 1200 ships gathered at Sluys. That was when Edward Dalyngrigge was finally granted permission to fortify his home in a more formal way.

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